Copied from This is a count down thread from five thousand. Here are some rules. -You can chat but with the number of the Count Down. -No flaming and trolling (as in pissing people off) *Flareon is an allowed because he's a natural born flamer * -Avoid double posting -Post correct info -hf! (Have Fun) I made this thread to get people to interact
4993 It is possible because I have seen it being done. Anyway... Calgary just got this fucken whiteout snow storm.
4991 Hmm... Is it worth getting GTA IV from steam? PS. I am distilling HNO3 from KNO3 and H2SO4. I also finished my H2O2 + CH3COCH3 to yield triacetone triperoxide
4986 lawl. Well it snowed here in Texas for like the first time where I live in a longlonglonglongtime like 2 days ago
4984 YESTERDAY on the facewan gg server there was a guy that had a cracked version of css and he kept on rejoining as like a fake account. like a ghost or something. and he kept on getting banned. it was funny because he wouldn't stop :D
4983 Come on, add the numbers to your post. This way, we might actually make it to 0. Damn, close to 30cm of snow in Calgary. I'm assuming that Mocha got hit bad too.
Decided to make a PHP script to list copygun saves instead, possibly including a search feature. 4982