Going on vacation for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. I'll be going to Croatia probably. Not going to visit Furchee because he's a shit. I hope it'll be a nice vacation. P.S. there might be a small chance of there being a possibility that I might touch down near Makarska. If that is the case, I'll be sure to visit (kill) Furchee.
If you -dont- visit me, you're a faggot. Also I believe you forgot that killing me would be doing me a favor. That said, I already have a friend coming here from the UK in about 5 days. If you'd like, you should contact me when you're around and we can get a fucking drink or something. > it would be better to take the money and build a fort out of it rather than use it visiting this place.
Nope.avi On that note, I'm willing to end this conversation to further devolop your weird fantasies. Have a nice vacation Mathys.