Discord role sync

Discussion in 'News/Updates' started by l337Espeon, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. l337Espeon Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    FaceWAN Network Administrator
    You can now sync your user level on the forums in the Discord Server easily without needing to PM a bot and all that jazz. I have created a link application on the website that will do all this in just a few easy steps (if you are logged into the forum already, it's one step.)

    For regular users: This gives you access to the "Camp Granada" voice channel, the ability to see message history, create invites, upload files and embed links in chat.

    For admins: This gives you all the above, plus gives you access to the admin only channels.

    Go here to sync your Discord account: https://eevee.facewan.com/link-discord

    Once you go to the URL, it will check that you are logged into the forums (if not you get directed to login and once complete, you go on to the next part.) If you were already logged in, you go straight to Discord to confirm the link. Once confirmed (and logged into Discord), you are then taken back to a page that confirms you have successfully synced your user level with Discord.