New Profile Posts

  1. BodomChild666
    BodomChild666 Snickers
    Oh snickers.. Its because of the many years i spent on that game.. It just feels like home.. Lmfaoo
  2. Snickers
    Snickers BodomChild666
    xD why tha hell u live in stormwind elwyn forest ? XD WoW.
  3. BodomChild666
    Why does my page have soo many visits but so little visitor messages!?
  4. jeff
    mr grinch here i was banned by boomchild666 he says im a hacker i never cheated i wouldnt even know how to cheat im sorry he thinks i did but i know i didnt
  5. BodomChild666
    BodomChild666 mikki
    Hacker. I told him to go to if he would like to try to appeal his ban, if he does so, he will get another chance. But the post has to be by HIM and not his friend.

    We do not tolerate hackers here.
  6. mikki
    mikki BodomChild666
    hallo can you tell me why do you bann my frind mr grinch ?
  7. Renardsavira
    Because i can not figure out how to edit my Contact information, please refer to this. You can catch me at [email protected]. Please only contact me through this email on things stricly about the surf server, complaints and the such. If you have a personal question for me about surfing and the such send an email to the same email with a subject pertaining to what you need help with.
  8. TheAngrySniper
    TheAngrySniper ParadoX
    Lenin! Lenin!

    We love you!
  9. matthaios
    matthaios FaithLynn
    I also noticed how you said you were playing on the server before "those queerish admins came on". But you couldn't have, since the server wasn't up in 2007. :)
  10. trackdeluxe
    trackdeluxe Neo
    do you have problems with gmod9 linux server? you must download "insurgency" too and the problem is fixed.
  11. Mr.Wolf
    Mr.Wolf Ownage
    Thanks alot Ownage :) Highly appreciated.
  12. matthaios
    matthaios FaithLynn
    Happy birthday.
  13. Ownage
    Coolpoof is correct, I don't give two shits. Fact is you have to live with it if you want to play here. So shove it up your ass shut the fuck up and play or get the fuck out.
  14. Mr.Wolf
    Mr.Wolf Ownage
    I don't think ownage gives the slightest fuck so shut it.
  15. FaithLynn
    FaithLynn Ownage
    I don't like you.

  16. FaithLynn
    Hello children! PREPARE TO BE DESTROYED!!!!!!11111!
  17. nickalee
    nickalee kevalalajnen
    hi kevalaljnen i would like to be a admin on your server. i love it. if u could make me admin thank your
  18. Se1f_Distruct
    Se1f_Distruct l337Espeon
    Hey Espeon...are you AFK?